Estate Planning
It may be that you have a blended family or perhaps you wish to pass your assets on to your grandchildren rather than your children. It may be that you do not have children or simply wish to leave your estate elsewhere. It may be that you are involved in a new common-law relationship but still wish to ensure that the majority of your assets pass to your children. In these and other situations, you need to understand the implications of your wishes as well as the best means to ensure they are implemented. Often, there are tax implications that need to be considered as well. We call this Estate Planning.
We will assist you to ensure that whatever your circumstances, your wishes for your estate will be carried out appropriately after your death. We will assist with estate freezes, trust and tax planning, charitable donations, guardianship of children, planning for disabled children, as appropriate for your situation. We will provide, as necessary, Pre-Marital or Co-Habitation Agreements, Separation Agreements, handle uncontested divorces, all in a manner that helps ensure that your assets are protected.